徐徐 抱歉选手

What is KDE

Kernel Density Estimation is a way of estimating an unkonwn probability density function given some data, similar to histogram.

Basic idea is you define a kernel function and you center a kernel function $K$ on each sampledata point $xi$, and then you sum these functions together, and then you have a kernel density estimate $\hat{f}(x) = \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits{i=1}\limits^{N} K(x-x_i)$.

Choice of Kernel

Attribute of Kernel

The kernel function $K$ istypically

  • Non-negative: $K(x) \geq 0$ for every $x$,因为描述的是概率

  • Symmetric: $K(x) = K(-x)$ for every $x$

  • Decreasing: $K’(x) \leq 0 $ for every $x$,随着x的增大值靠近0

  • can be bounded support or not,例如高斯核函数就是渐进0但是不为0,而三角和函数就是直接为0。

Four kinds of kernel



Choice of Kernel is not that important because as data grows large the final function estimation will look as same. Gaussian will be fine.

Choice of Bandwidth

Use $h$ to control for the bandwidth of


Silverman’s rule of thumb

computes an optimal $h$ by assuming that the data is normally distributed.

Improved Sheater Jones(ISJ)

Multimodel, seveal modes, such as two noraml distributions.


Weighting data

it is possible to add weights $w_i$ to data points $x_i$ by writing

Bounded domains

A simple trick to overcome bias at boundries is to mirror the data.

在分界处间断点如何确定值?把一侧的数据镜像到另一侧,然后两个分布相加后获得的新的original+mirrored distribution在间断点处做切割,做了mirror的那个部分全为概率0,original的部分采用新的original+mirrored distribution。

Extension to d dimensions

An approach to $d$-dimensional estiamtes is to wirte

the choice of norm

The shape of kernel functions in higher dimensions depend on the value of p​ in the p norm.

As the number of samples grow, the choice of both kernel K and norm p becomes unimportant. The bandwidth H is still important.


Intro to Kernel Density Estimation

  • 本文标题:kernel-density-estimation
  • 本文作者:徐徐
  • 创建时间:2020-11-14 22:37:52
  • 本文链接:
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